SpHr_FilterBiquad [ /CF=Freq /Coef=coefsWave /Dest=[destWave] /D=[delaysWave] /C /Q=Q /B=minBW /RMS=[r] ] srcWaveName
Applies a biquad filter centered at CenterFrequency to srcWaveName . Adapted from Malcolm Slaney@Interval. (c) 1998 Interval Research Corporation.
srcWaveName Specification for the single precision wave to be filtered. This wave is overwritten and thus serves as both source and destination if the /Dest flag is omitted.
/CF = cf
Filter center frequency (Hz). This flag or the /Coef flag must be used. The /CF flag is overridden by the /Coef flag.
/L = [CFdestWaveName]
When using the /CF flag and a srcWaveName that consists of only 2 columns, the /L flag generates a FREE wave specified by CFdestWaveName that consists of a single point set to cf. This is useful when using a subsequent operation that requires a CFs wave. The second column of srcWaveName is also written to layer 2 as opposed to column 2 (as would occur if the /L flag were omitted). Filtered output is therefore dimensioned similarly to that of the SpHr_FilterBankBiquad operation.
/Coef = coefsWave
Filter coefficients. See SpHr_FilterBiquadCoefs. This flag or the /CF flag must be used.
/Dest = [destWaveName]
Results of filtering are written to the wave specified by destWaveName. The wave is single precision and always overwritten. If destWaveName is omitted, srcWaveName is overwritten.
/D = [delaysWaveName]
Delay lines are saved to the wave specified by delaysWaveName. If delaysWaveName is omitted, delays are written to a wave having the same name as srcWaveName plus a "_delays" suffix. These delays are used on subsequent calls to SpHr_FilterBiquad unless delaysWaveName is killed or the /C flag is present. The wave is single precision and always overwritten.
/C = [c]
/C or /C=1 Clears delay lines before applying the filter. Delay lines are preserved if delaysWave already exists, the /C flag is omitted, or c = 0.
/C=0: Same as no /C at all. This is the default.
/C=1: Same as /C alone.
/Q = [q]
Quality factor when using /CF flag. If no q value is passed, the /Q flag does nothing and the default Glasberg and Moore Parameter of 9.26449 is used.
/B = [minBW]
Minimum bandwidth when using /CF flag. If no value is passed, the /B flag does nothing and the default Glasberg and Moore Parameter of 24.7 is used.
/RMS = [r]
/RMS or /RMS=1 Filtered values in destWaveName are scaled to have constant RMS amplitude as center frequency is varied. If the flag is omitted or r is 0, biquad filters are treated as having equal areas. This flag should not be used if /Q or /B are used to set non-default values.
/RMS=0: Same as no /RMS at all. This is the default.
/RMS=1: Same as /RMS alone.
Function SpHr_FilterBiquad_Example()
SpHr_SignalGaussian/ms=50/Sp=1/HP=50/dB=70/Ramp=10/Buff={0,30} 48000, Noise
variable Hz = 500
SpHr_FilterBiquad /CF=(Hz)/Dest=filteredNoise Noise
Display/K=1 Noise
AppendToGraph/R filteredNoise
ModifyGraph lsize=0.5,rgb(filteredNoise)=(0,0,0)
SetAxis/A/E=2 left
SetAxis/A/E=2 right