SpHr_Histogram [ Flags ] srcWaveName, destWaveName
Obtains Histograms for values along rows of srcWaveName so that destWaveName has the same higher dimensions as srcWaveName. The /Sym or /Span flag must be specified.
srcWaveName Specification for single precision source matrix.
srcWaveName(startX, endX) Specifies an x-range in the source wave.
srcWaveName[startP,endP] Specifies a point-range in the source wave.
destWaveName Histograms are written to the wave specified by destWaveName. The wave is single precision and always overwritten.
/Sym = { binXstart, numBins }
Symmetric histogram - equal number of negative and positive x-axis values to each side of zero.
binXstart - first negative histogram bin value.
numBins - number of histogram bins. An odd number sets the central bin to zero. An even number results in bins surrounding zero.
/Span = { binXstart, binXend, numBins }
binXstart - first histogram bin value.
binXend- last histogram bin value.
numBins - number of histogram bins.
/IQR = { numBins [, numQs ] }
Histograms are obtained for values between the 1st and 3rd quartiles of all srcWaveName values.
numBins - number of histogram bins.
numQs - if specified, the first and last bins are set as:
first bin = median - ((median-Q25)*numQs).
last bin = median + ((Q75-median)*numQs).
/C [ = c ] Histogram x-scaling is shifted for bars or cityscapes, i.e., x-scale offset -= dimdelta(w,0)/2.
/c=1, Same as /C alone. Histogram x-scaling is shifted.
/c=0: Same as no /C.
/Norm [ = n ] Normalize histograms.
/n=1, Same as /Norm alone. Histograms normalized to a maximum of 1.
/n=0: Same as no /Norm at all.
/Wt = WtsSrcWaveName
Specification for a single precision wave of histogram weights. WtsSrcWaveName must have the same dimensions as srcWaveName.
/Pk [ = peakDestWaveName ]
If srcWaveName consists of more than one column, layer, or chunk, the height of each histogram's peak is written to the wave specified by peakDestWaveName. If peakDestWaveName is omitted, the name of srcWaveName is used and the suffix "_Peaks" is added. If the wave specified by srcWaveName consists no columns the peak of the single histogram is written to a variable named V_Peak. If the /Norm flag is present, peaks are obtained prior to the normalization.
/PkX [ = peakLocDestWaveName ]
If srcWaveName consists of more than one column, layer, or chunk, the X-axis locations of each histogram's peak is written to the wave specified by peakLocDestWaveName. If peakLocDestWaveName is omitted, the name of srcWaveName is used with the suffix "_PeakLocs". If the wave specified by srcWaveName consists no columns the peak of the single histogram is written to a variable named V_PeakLoc.
/Tr [ = troughDestWave ]
If srcWaveName consists of more than one column, layer, or chunk, the bottom of each histogram's trough is written to the wave specified by troughDestWave. If troughDestWave is omitted, the name of srcWaveName is used with the suffix "_Troughs". If the wave specified by srcWaveName consists no columns the trough of the single histogram is written to a variable named V_Trough.
/TrX [ = troughLocDestWave ]
If srcWaveName consists of more than one column, layer, or chunk, the X-axis locations of each histogram's trough is written to the wave specified by troughLocDestWave. If troughLocDestWave is omitted, the name of srcWaveName is used with the suffix "_TroughLocs". If the wave specified by srcWaveName consists no columns the peak of the single histogram is written to a variable named V_TroughLoc.
Function SpHr_Histogram_Example()
variable fs = 48000
variable ITD = 0.2 // ms
// Partially independent noise burst with 0.2 ms ITD
SpHr_SignalBinaural/sec=1/Ramp=20/dB=70/HP=50/Buff={100,100}/Sp=1/Ind=0.1/ITD={ITD,1} fs, Noise
SpHr_FilterCenterFreqs/R/Type=(2) 300, 600, 3, CFs // log
SpHr_FilterBankBiquadCoefs 48000, CFs, coefBank
SpHr_FilterBankBiquad /RMS/Dest=FilterBanks CFs, coefBank, Noise
killwaves/Z coefBank, Noise
SpHr_CrossingCarrierCues/ITD=ITDs CFs, FilterBanks
SpHr_Histogram /Sym={-0.00075,201} ITDs, ITDs_Hist
Display /K=1/W=(35,45,430,253) as "ITD Histograms"
AppendToGraph ITDs_Hist[*][0],ITDs_Hist[*][1],ITDs_Hist[*][2]
ModifyGraph mode=6
ModifyGraph rgb(ITDs_Hist)=(0,0,65535),rgb(ITDs_Hist#1)=(2,39321,1)
ModifyGraph zero(bottom)=1
ModifyGraph fSize=10,axThick=0.5,zeroThick(bottom)=0.5
ModifyGraph ZisZ=1,zapTZ=1,zapLZ=1
ModifyGraph btLen=4,btThick=0.5,stLen=2,stThick=0.5
Label bottom "ITD (\\U)"
SetDrawLayer UserFront
SetDrawEnv xcoord= bottom,ycoord= prel,linethick= 0.5,dash= 2
DrawLine 0.0002,0,0.0002,1
TextBox/C/N=text0/F=0/B=1/H={15,0,5}/A=LT "\\Z10Frequency (Hz)\r\\s(ITDs_Hist) 300\r\\s(ITDs_Hist#1) 424\r\\s(ITDs_Hist#2) 500"