Purchased this microphone “pre-owned” a few years ago.


Sounds great.

Low noise.

Flexible outputs (balanced 5-pin XLR & unbalanced BNC).

Flexible powering options (48v phantom, AA batteries, AC).

High pass filter (40 or 150 Hz).

No fiddling with microphones in my ears.

Head-related and some room-related transfer functions available from the Institute of Communication Systems, University of Applied Sciences. Link


5/8”-27 stand mounts are prone to loosening and turning.

Without access to a machine shop to make my own mount, I’m using a Kirk Enterprise Solutions Universal Camera Plate camera plate with one 1/4” bolt screwed into a threaded adapter (5/8”-27 to 1/4”-20) and 2 additional 1/4-20” set-screws for added security. I wouldn’t swing the microphone around on a tripod while using this plate but suspect this is mostly due to the cost of a new KU100… I use a Really Right Stuff Camera Cable Relief Spacer to make room for a 90° XLR plug.


GIF 10.4 MB