SpHr_FilterCenterFreqs [ /Type /R /Q=Q /B=minBW /E=[edgesDestWaveName] ] lowestFreq, highestFreq, numBands, destWaveName

Generates center frequencies for a bank of auditory filters. These frequencies are required by subsequent filter bank operations (e.g., SpHr_FilterBankBiquadCoefs and SpHr_FilterBankBiquad).


lowestFreq      Lowest center frequency generated (Hz).

highestFreq      Highest center frequency generated (Hz).

numBands      Number of center frequencies generated between lowestFrequency and highestFrequency.

destWaveName    Specification for a double precision wave to which center frequencies are written.


/Type = [type]

    type = 1: Glasberg and Moore Parameters, adapted from Malcolm Slaney@Interval. (c) 1998 Interval Research Corporation. Default type, same as when the /Type flag is omitted. See optional flags /Q and /B. 

    type = 2:  logarithmic (exponential) scaling.

    type = 3: linearly spaced frequencies.

/Q = [ q ]

    Quality factor. If no Q value is passed, the default Glasberg and Moore value of 9.26449 is used.

/B = [ minBW ]

    Minimum bandwidth. If no value is passed the default Glasberg and Moore value of 24.7 is used.

/R =[ r ]

    /R or /R=1 Rounds each center frequency to its nearest integer value.

    /R=0: Same as no /R at all. This is the default.

    /R=1: Same as /Z alone.

/E = [ destWaveName

    Generates coordinate values for displaying frequency-specific results as images (see AppendImage and Image X and Y Coordinates help topic). If destWaveName is omitted, a wave named is 'CFsImageEdges' is made. This wave is double precision and always overwritten.


Function SpHr_FilterCenterFreqs_Example()

    variable lowHz = 50

    variable highHz = 1500

    variable numBands = 50

    SpHr_FilterCenterFreqs /Type=2 lowHz, highHz, numBands, CFs

    Edit/K=1 root:CFs
