SpHr_GolayCodes [ /fs = [ fs ] ] Order, a_dest, b_dest

Generates a pair of golay codes preserving complementary series properties. Derived from: Anthony Leonardo, Caltech, 3/01, MatLab code


Order  Sequence lengths in points. (2^Order)

a_dest  Specification for destination of sequence 1 wave.

b_dest  Specification for destination of sequence 2 wave.


/fs [ = fs ]    Sampling frequency (Hz), used to set the x-scaling of a_dest and b_dest.


//correlation(a) + correlation(b) = delta function, thus:

SpHr_GolayCodes 12, a, b

Duplicate/O a, ac_a

Correlate/AUTO a, ac_a 

Duplicate/O b, ac_b

Correlate/AUTO b, ac_b

Duplicate/O ac_a, delta_fn

delta_fn += ac_b 

Contact: Brian