SpHr_WavePeaks [ flags ] srcWaveName

Finds waveform maxima (peaks) or RMS amplitudes along srcWaveName rows. Used to summarize (decimate) long waveforms for displaying. 


srcWaveName  Specification for source wave. srcWaveName is overwritten if the /Dest flag is omitted.


/N [ = n ]

    Number of desired output points. The actual number of points generated may not be exactly equal to n.

/RMS [ = rms ]

    Results indicate RMS amplitudes as opposed to maximal (peak) waveform values.

    /RMS=0: Same as no /RMS at all. Default option.

    /RMS=1: Same as /RMS alone.

/dB = [ ref ]

    Results are converted to decibel equivalents using the operation 20*log10(Pa/ref). If ref is omitted, a default value of 20 µPa (0.00002 Pa) is used.

/Q [ = q ]

    Quiet. If the /Q flag is omitted or q is not set to 0, the following statistics and variables are set: V_MindB, V_MaxdB, V_AvgdB, V_MediandB, V_Q1dB, V_Q2dB (same as V_MediandB), V_Q3dB.

/Dest [ = destWaveName ]    

    Peaks are written to a wave specified by destWaveName. The wave is single precision and always overwritten. If destWaveName is omitted, peaks are written to a wave having the same name as srcWaveName plus the suffix "_peaks", or if the /RMS flag is used, the suffix "_rms".


Function SpHr_WavePeaks_Example()

    variable fs = 48000

    SpHr_SignalGaussian/ms=500/Sp=1/HP=10/dB=70/Ramp=20 fs, Noise

    SpHr_WavePeaks/Dest=NoisePeaks/N=200 Noise

    // Display

    Display /W=(71,225,432,520)/K=1  Noise,NoisePeaks as "Ramped Noise"

    ModifyGraph width=288,height=216

    ModifyGraph rgb(Noise)=(48059,48059,48059),rgb(NoisePeaks)=(0,0,0)

    ModifyGraph tick=2,fSize=10,lblMargin=3,standoff=0,axThick=0.5

    ModifyGraph ZisZ=1,zapTZ=1,zapLZ=1

    ModifyGraph btLen=4,btThick=0.5,stLen=2,stThick=0.5

    Label left "amplitude (\\U)"

    Label bottom "time (\\U)"

    TextBox/C/N=text0/F=0/H={15,0,5}/B=1/A=MT/E "\\s(Noise) noise\r\\s(NoisePeaks) peaks"


Contact: Brian