Binaural recordings of broadband noise-bursts played from a loudspeaker in my dining room. Analyses show that cues in some frequency bands resemble ‘ideal’ values  before recent reflections arrive. Values then drift and fluctuate due to frequency-specific amplitude modulations, acoustic reflections and background sounds.

Interaural level differences (ILDs) computed at the times of zero-crossings after passing recordings through a 400 Hz auditory filter (circles in upper panel). Red and blue lines show right and left and right amplitude envelopes in the lower panel.

Recordings of 10 identical noise bursts, prompting similar modulations and ILD patterns across the recordings.

Distributions of interaural level differences (ILDs) computed at the times of zero-crossings for 128 frequency bands between 100 and 3,000 Hz. Values were obtained for 2 s bursts of noise, beginning after each burst’s recorded onset and ending at its offset.

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