Binaural independence indices and the ‘edges of auditory images’

Psychoacoustic test to determine when listeners hear two distinct edges of a single auditory image (or two distinct auditory images lacking edges) as binaural independence indices are varied. An index of 0 indicates that the same noise-bursts are played in the left and right ears, prompting spatial cues to recur over time. An index of 1 indicates that the noise-bursts are statistically independent (dichotic), prompting broad distributions of spatial cues over time.


Play Button

1 Edge or Image heard

2 Edges or Images heard

Next Sound

Reset current response

Keyboard Shortcuts

‘Spacebar’ or ‘p’



‘Right arrow’ or ‘Return’

‘Left arrow’

Mobile Swipe Gestures 

Play                     Left or Right swipe

1 Edge               Left  swipe,  after sounds played

2 Edges             Right swipe,  after sounds played

Next Sound    Right swipe, after edges selected

Rest                    Left swipe, after edges selected

Results for most listeners are uniquely consistent with the edge model of spatial hearing. My own sample results, over 10 repetitions, are available here or under the ‘Plot ’ menu.


   Additional notes:

Contact: Brian