Analyses using an alternative Sennheiser AMBEO smart headset (white). Recordings of at least 27.30 seconds were made twice a day over 180 days, resulting in 350 sound files totaling 159 minutes.
Distributions of interaural time differences (ITD). Average across all recordings (left). Standard deviation across all recordings (middle). Animation showing a random selection of 42 distributions out of 350 (right).
Distributions of interaural phase differences (IPD). Average across all recordings (left). Standard deviation across all recordings (middle). Animation showing a random selection of 42 distributions out of 350 (right).
Distributions of interaural level differences (ILD). Average across all recordings (left). Standard deviation across all recordings (middle). Animation showing a random selection of 42 distributions out of 350 (right).
Independence indices (DFT method). In some cases, phase is inverted to obtain the proper IPD distribution (red markers).
Average spectra across all recordings, with slopes close to