The following demonstrations are designed to help compare conditions when interaural differences are narrowly or broadly distributed. 🎧 required.
- • Edges overlap when noise-bursts are binaurally similar (‘diotic’) and interaural differences are narrowly distributed.
- • In contrast, edges ‘split’ apart when noise-bursts are dissimilar or (‘dichotic’) and interaural differences are broadly distributed.
Binaural noise-bursts
Binaural noise-bursts with similar bursts spatialized using an HRTF for 20° azimuth
- • Noise-bursts are two seconds long with 1/frequency spectra. Each was embedded within six seconds of relatively quiet (-56 dB re: the level of each noise-burst) binaurally independent 1/frequency noise.
- • Interaural time differences (ITD) across waveform envelopes are not (yet) shown but are important for the emergence of ‘edges’ at frequencies above ~1 kHz.
- • Interaural level differences (ILD) fluctuate with ITDs and may or may not contribute to the emergence of ‘edges’.
- • Binaurally ‘Independent’ noise was generated with distributions of ITD and ILD observed under a broad range of typical listening conditions. The distributions are statistically independent except at low frequencies.